A person stands before a serene lake surrounded by rocks, on a recovery-themed website page that includes a motivational message "it's time to live your life" above, with various site navigation options and resources for addiction help.

WordPress Genesis Framework Vs MyThemeShop

Comparing the WordPress Genesis Framework Vs MyThemeShop and which is best or better.

Well, I have to say that for the majority of my blogging life I have used the Genesis Framework SEO with a StudioPress Theme on all of my websites.

Explore WordPress Genesis Framework Vs MyThemeShop

I have found Genesis to be a good, robust, safe and solid framework and you should definitely give it a try if you have never done so.

It is built with SEO in mind and there are a number of specific WordPress plugins you can use with just Genesis alone.

Safe Genesis or Exciting MyThemeShop?

I am always open to new things and new ideas, which I think you have to be when you are into SEO. I read a lot on the internet about the various elements of SEO and test out the new ideas to see if they work or not.

Sometimes the results are good, but sometimes they are not!

It’s trial and error to be honest.

One of the SEO guys I would keep an eye on regularly is Matthew Woodward as he has very useful and helpful information for the SEO would-be’s.

Recently Matthew offered his own “Authority” theme from MyThemeShop that he uses for his own website and I was tempted to try it out to see how it would perform.

I waited and turned it over in my mind for a while, but the doubts of moving away from Genesis haunted me, as many authorities in SEO really do promote it as the best SEO solution.

The MyThemeShop Trial

After a lot of thought and deliberation, I decided to purchase the theme and put it on one of my newest websites, just to see how it performed.

My thoughts were that I would limit any potential collateral damage that might happen by changing themes on a new website I had with few pages and very little traffic.

However, in doing it this way, it really was not a proper test at all!

BUT, after only a week or so, the new website with the new theme started to rank some pages in Google, Bing and Yahoo. I couldn’t believe it!

Pingdom speed test results

Next MyThemeShop Steps

So, was this a flash in the pan and would these pages have ranked using the Genesis theme anyway and it was just a fluke or coincidence in timing?

I needed more proof. Time to use the MyThemeShop Authority Theme on another one of my websites that had a bit more traffic to see what would happen.

Site No.2’s theme was then changed from Genesis to MyThemeShop in a bid to see if something similar would happen. It did.

Now I was getting excited.

MyThemeShop logo

MyThemeShop Themes On All Websites?

After the research, I have now taken the plunge and moved all of my websites over to MyThemeShop, even my main financial website as well.

I changed all the themes only yesterday and I have been glued to the stats pages to see how they have been performing.

Of course, SEO is a long-term solution and changes rarely happen overnight, but I really am encouraged at the very initial performances of all of the websites.

I was really unhappy about how the Genesis Framework seo along with the Sixteen Nine Pro Theme rendered the iframe loan application form on mobile devices on my main financial website, as it sliced off the whole right hand side of the form on some mobiles.

Since I changed to the MyThemeShop Authority, it renders the iframe form perfectly on all devices now and it appears that this error in Genesis was stopping some people applying, as there are already a higher rate of applications coming through today and therefore a higher revenue for the website.

What Next?

As I stated above, I have just changed all websites to the new theme and I am still a bit “hyper” about watching stats and conversions, so I would like to do a few followups reports on this article in the days and weeks ahead.

Although it is good to read articles on SEO from leaders in the industry, it seems that even they differ on important matters too, so I suppose the advice is to trust your own instincts and test everything to see if it works for you.

I hope you have learned something from this article on Wordpress Genesis Framework Vs MyThemeShop and you might be interested in finding out about these too: Make Keywords rank in search engines and Best WordPress Theme Fastest Page Speed.


So, it has been a couple of years since i made the switch, but would you believe that i have gone back to using the Genesis Framework after all!

Don’t get me wrong, the Mythemeshop themes are great and work well for SEO, but I just think that after testing both in real live websites, Genesis does have the edge.

To be honest, you will not go wrong using either Genesis or Mythemeshop. You pay your money and take your choice!

See also Cloudflare free review.

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