About Brian Hillier WordPress SEO
A brief overview about Brian Hillier WordPress SEO – a quick background history below:
I have run my own businesses since I was in my twenties and I have always tried to go for niche type businesses and sectors, rather than so called main stream.
Quantity Surveying
I originally started off in Quantity Surveying in the building industry and then started to specialise in the shop-fitting sector.
Mobile Phones
When there was a recession in the 1990’s in the building sector, I “jumped ship” and started a mobile phone company in Belfast called Car-Tec Mobile Communications. This was right at the start of the introduction of mobile phones in the UK, so I got into it on the “ground floor” so to speak. I was the only Northern Ireland outlet for Peoples Phone at the time.
After a number of years trading in mobile phones, I sold out to one of the major players at the time, Martin Dawes Communications. I then tried my hand at supplying and fitting conservatories, but didn’t find that attractive and soon gave it up.
I then moved into finance, particularly in the niche market of people who had bad credit and were looking for loans and mortgages, which I continue to do today, using a number of financial websites.

WordPress SEO
In the process of promoting the websites I have, I discovered WordPress and Search Engine Optimisation or SEO of those websites.
This is what I am currently working at and I plan to launch a number of new websites in various niche markets and then set to work on promoting the sites using good SEO tactics.
I must say, I am getting a “kick” out of learning about SEO, trying out things and seeing what works and what doesn’t work. I have read and studied a lot about SEO on the internet and it has been a sharp learning curve.
It’s interesting to note that many leading SEO companies and personalities in the world do differ in their advice and what they say works and doesn’t work.
In my own SEO journey, I think I have tried out most of what the “specialists” recommend to do and not to do, but experience, trial and error has been a much better teacher!
I want to share my experiences of SEO with you free of charge on this site, so as you don’t make the same mistakes I have done and to enable your website to rank highly on the search engines quickly.
Google Adsense
Google Adsense advertising can be a nice little earner each month, but you must be very careful to abide by the Google Adsense strict terms & conditions.
They will reward you well for placing their adverts on your website, but you must be careful to dance to their tune, otherwise you could easily lose your account.
You can find out more in the Adsense section.
Blogging Help
In the Blogging Help section I want to try to build up a comprehensive list of step by step articles that you can use and follow to get you up and running with your own blog.
This is a very new website and I am trying to add as many new articles as I can, whilst still maintaining my other websites too.
It’s a bit like juggling plates on top of sticks!
I have so many ideas for each website and new websites, that I seem to go from one website to the next juggling!
Contact Me
You can send me an email if you want to get in touch about anything: brian@brianhillier.co.uk
This website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days per year; you can always use the website at anytime of the day or night and the website is owned and maintained by Brian Hillier.